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The History Of Propaganda (3)

Writer's picture: Laks Laks

North Korea

The history of propaganda within North Korea emerged in the 1950's when Kim Il Sung developed the Juche Ideology.

The Juche, is a political thesis in which Kim Ill Sung stated North Korean masses were masters of the countries own development, meaning that korean military and political and economical factors of the country are independant or in other words, non reliant on other countries.

In Kim Ill Sung's speech in 1955, he stated that, “To make revolution in Korea we must know Korean history and geography as well as the customs of the Korean people. Only then is it possible to educate our people in a way that suits them and to inspire in them an ardent love for their native place and their motherland"

It was in this speech that the first impressions of the Juche were stated by the 'Supreme leader'

Juche laid the foundation for what today is known as North Korean Propaganda and ideology.

The Juche itself, stated ideas of an independent national economy and roughly translates as 'Self- reliance' it includes a blend of different ideas and uses a lot of the same language as Marxism but also has elements of confucianism, 20th century Japanese Imperialism and traditional Korean nationalism. It mainly focus' on the idea that North Korea has to be separate and distinct from the world and be dependant on only the country itself with guidance from the 'Godlike' leader.

The Juche has three fundamental principles, Political independence, economical self susience and self reliance in defense.

After suceeding in becoming the first premier, Kim Ill Sung generated a so called 'Personality Cult' in which kim dynasty were the main rulers of North korea and chose what is broadcasted to the rest of the country and what goes in and out.

an Example of the Kims being in full control and planting propaganda to the country is their use of manipulation and also lies about the world and their country due to not broadcasting anything from the rest of the world to the country. For example, The North Korean population believe lies such as that North Korea cured aids and invented the 'Burger' when in reality, they did not. These methods are used so that the population believes and trusts in the Government more.

Other methods of idolising the Kims, is the statue of Kim Ill sung that people are required to get married in front of, as well as a mourning period when Kim Ill Sung died and if somebody did not look sad enough, they would be put into camps to 're educate'

Forms or propaganda include posters, which usually present a beautiful city and lush nature alongside the 'Brave' and 'Compassionate dear Leader' as well as happy and healthy citizens.

It can be argued that the images constructed of the country are what the Government want the country to be, rather than the reality of what North Korea actually is.

All posters stick to one ideological path, being the Juche ideology.

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