For my personal response to Tara Razovi, I wanted to play around with green screens and only having a persons face in the shot, as used in tyler the creator's 'tamale' I wanted to do this as I am interested by greenscreens and the technique you use in them and I feel it is something I want to develop.
To do this, I had to film my model in front of a green screen. I then had to colour key out the green screen and put in a background. I wanted a plain background similar to the one used in Tamale so I used a orange background for this. I then had to mask out the face so that the neck was not connected. I found this difficult at first to figure out how to have it effectively covering the neck, but after many attempts of key framing the mask around the face I managed to make it work.
Overall I am impressed with my outcome as I was wondering how I would create this for a while so I am pleased that the outcome looks like the inspiration. Next time I will focus on the masking more to make each key frame more accurate so that the transition moves smoother.