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The making of kalopsia...

Writer's picture: Laks Laks

Updated: Dec 9, 2019

For this terms project, we have to create a product in groups that we had to model and 3d print.

After establishing my group we started to mind map our skills to decide who would do what within our project.

this also gave us an opportunity to discuss ideas we each had and how we could incorporate them together or develop on one idea to create a better idea.

This lead to us deciding on an idea which consisted of creating a virtual person where you can decide its features, in a sims like manner, and then the person would print out to become an actual person.

originally, our idea consisted of a podium like printer which would first create a small hologram where you would decide your features and then when the podium was put on the floor it would print a life size flesh human.

Though, this idea needed developing.

We found flaws within this idea such as how would this person have an identity? or what if somebody abused this feature to create an army of evil people etc? therefore making us to move slightly away from this idea to develop something else.

From this we decided on a holographic person instead. This would work through a podium which projects a person that you create through swiping left or right on the hologram to change the features to make it personalised and special.

Developing on this idea we created our final idea that we were going to develop and use to create our new project 'Kalopsia'

Our Final Idea for what Kalopsia is going to be

Kalopsia is a holographic podium which projects a person which you create on the Kalopsia app that comes alongside the podium. On the app you can choose your holograms characteristics and features to make it personal and fit for everyone's different needs.

Kalopsia is created for people who suffer from depression or other symptoms as well as widows or just lonely people in general. Due to being able to choose the characteristics of your hologram, it can help with any needs.

Kalopsia itself, means ' state or delusion in which things appear more beautiful than they really are' this was used to give a twisted meaning to show that even though this product can be amazing, it is not as amazing as it seems and is still not better than human interaction.

You are only able to purchase one kalopsia to prevent misuse of the product.

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