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Story Telling

Writer's picture: Laks Laks

The Ugly Duckling Retold;

There once was a little girl, the average type, who was sad because she thought she was the ugliest person in her family. In fact she didn't think so, she knew.

She was so ugly that her family disowned her from an early age and was embarrassed to take her anywhere. At night, she would stare at magazines of the most beautiful people in the world in awe, and cry, wishing it was her.

One day, when at a super market, Her parents acted as if she wasn't their daughter, when somebody asked them. This was the last straw.

she ran away.

She sold herself out so receive any attention she could, due to the feeling of being neglected by everyone her whole life.

But one day, this got too much. somebody beat her up because they didn't have any money, robbing her and leaving her with nothing.

She was homeless and had nothing left to give.

she was ready to end it all and went to a bridge to kill herself but then the man of her dreams came along.

He prevented her from suicide and she discovered the man was famous. which meant, he was rich.

she was aroused by his money and stayed with him for many years, making an earning for herself and opening possibilities for plastic surgery

which she took on.

She spent thousands on plastic surgery reforming her face, in the hope that her family would want her. She finally got to a standard where her face wasn't even recognisable anymore. And therefore, made her family even more disappointed.

She looked in the mirror one last time and compared herself to the girls in the magazines, just like the old days, and realised that, no matter how much you change your face, what really makes a person ugly is their personality.

And that she will always still be ugly.

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