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Propaganda Logo

For my propaganda final piece I needed to make sure that I had an identifiable logo which I could put everywhere to spread the message I was trying to express. I wanted my design to be easily recognisable and cartoon like so that I could put it on stickers and put it all around the town I live in. As well as this, I wanted to make sure that my Logo said a message without any words as I did not want to include words in my logo.

In my Logo I wanted to portray Boris Johnson as a laughable character to represent him as a clown like figure as people may take him unserious due to what he believes in. I wanted to represent this due to my idea for the propaganda project to be labour biased propaganda to show how strong opinions can be portrayed that makes it come across as facts or how a biased opinion can try ruin reputations.

I started to consider different methods that I could do this idea such as merging Boris Johnson with a clown using photoshop or putting clown like features on Boris Johnson's face. I started to consider famous recognisable clowns that I could use for this merge.

I decided on using Ronald Mc Donald due to this clown being well known and identifiable but also due to the support Mcdonald's gives Trump. I chose this because I feel that Boris Johnson is a replica of Trump and aspires to be like Trump. I wanted to create an image which presents Boris not caring about the public, equality or what happens to our country due to 'Brexit', therefore I wanted to create a logo of Boris sticking his middle finger up so that I could photoshop it into different backgrounds where Boris is putting his middle finger up to certain situations to show he doesn't care.

To create this, I managed to find an image of Ronald Mc Donald with his middle finger up and a cartoon image of Boris Johnson which I could use to merge Boris and Ronald.

At first, I was not sure how I was going to merge the two photos together. I was not sure of what parts of each image that I wanted to show in the Logo I was going to create, therefore I played around with different layouts, such as how it would look with Ronald's hair in comparison to having Boris' Hair in the logo etc. To start to play around with this, I created a mask of each of the images so that I could later layer the masks and play around with meshing the two photos together.

For my first attempt I tried to add Boris' face in with Ronald's hair.

This turned out to not be effective and I scrapped this Idea due to the merging not looking natural and also the face looking out of place.

Doing this example made me consider other elements I could add onto Boris' face to make him look even more like a clown such as a clown mouth or clown eyes. I also started to consider taking out Ronald's hair and keeping Boris' in too to make the merge look clearer and more professional.

I decided to add the Ronald mouth onto Boris for the final Logo design and to keep Boris' hair. Other things that I had to consider when doing this merge was making sure that all of the skin was the same shade therefore I photoshopped the neck to be the same colour as the face. As well as this, I needed to make sure the thickness of the lines all around the drawing were the same therefore I re drew around the head so that the lines had the same thickness as the body. I made sure that the lines were the same shade.

Once I had made the final layout for my Logo, I started to play around with different small features I could add to portray more of a message within my logo. I considered having the conservative Logo in the Logo patch instead of the Mcdonald's Logo but after attempting this I decided that the image looked better with the Mcdonald's logo instead as it made it more clear to an audience who the clown that Boris had been merged with was.

Overall, I am extremely proud of the Logo I have created as it fulfils all of the criteria's that I wanted. The Logo is clear and cartoon like, and doesn't include any text but you can tell what the image is trying to represent just through the image. I plan to put this Logo onto stickers and place them all around my town.

If I could make any further improvements to this Logo I would consider adding possibly clown eyes onto Boris as this may add a stronger impact but in contrast may be too much as the simplistic part of this Logo helps to captivate attention.

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