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  • Writer's pictureLaks

Logo/ Logo Ideas

Updated: Feb 3, 2020

After deciding what our product was going to be and how it was going to work, it was time to decide how to make our ideas visual, our first step being the Logo for our Product.

Due to Kalopsia being a product of the interaction of a virtual (holographic) person and a real person, we wanted to incorporate this into our logo, such as a realistic person and a non realistic person. From this, we started to think about what parts of the body we could use to present this, using our knowledge from the life workshops earlier in the term.

First, we experimented with faces, trying to incorporate the name into the logo

Though, after experimenting for a while we felt this was not the best layout for what we were trying to present. Our focus then started to shift to different parts of the body. Then, due to the idea that the person is longing for a connection, we thought about the idea of someone reaching out for the hologram to show the longing. then, bringing the ideas of a body part and this idea of 'longing' we decided on an image of a real-life hand reaching out for a virtual hand.

Then, we experimented with other elements that could be added into the logo, such as a heart between the hand to show the exchange within the hologram and the human, with the heart being half glitched and half not glitched to again, show the interaction between a real person and a hologram, although, even though this idea was good, we decided that the logo looked cleaner and better without.

After developing on our logo idea of the hands reaching for eachother, we worked to make the hands identifiable to which hand is real and which hand isn't. We added a tint around the human hand to show the connection between the human person and the hologram. The holographic hand is also a blue-ish colour to show that the hand is not real and a hologram. as well as this, a glitching pattern is presented in the hologram hand to show the tech base of it.

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