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FMP Project Proposal

Updated: Jun 4, 2021

Below is a link to my project proposal

For my project proposal, I have made sure to not only include what it is that I want to achieve, but also give an insight as to some of the people I am inspired by for this project. I feel that this is important so that the person reading can understand where my ideas are coming from so that they can get a clear idea as to where my thoughts are.

I have also included an action plan showing step by step what I will do to make sure that my project gets completed to the best standard. I am aware from previous projects that sometimes my proposal can end up changing, due to me getting new ideas that I feel will work better as I move along the project, therefore, if this happens I will make sure to identify the changes I have made so that my proposal is still valid.

Above are photos taken by 'Chris Steele -Perkins' an artist that I have listed in my project proposal. I am inspired by his use of natural photography, as I feel that you can see natural atmosphere presenting what the people in the photo were actually like, they are not trying to pose for the photo. I like this use of photography as I think this is much more important to get an understanding as to what the subculture was like, rather than what they would try to portray to people if it was staged.

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